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Healthcare Apps: 7 Ways They Save Lives

Are healthcare apps just for health nuts? See how the latest healthcare apps do more than track your steps - they might just save your life!

It seems like there are hundreds of healthcare apps out there for booking appointments, giving us exercise tips, and medication reminders.

Whether you’re a health nut, need to keep track of your medications, or are merely trying to become more health-conscious, healthcare apps can help you track everything from your phone comfort. What used to require a personal trainer or a doctor is now in the palm of our hands, but do these things actually help?

Today, we’re going to tell you how healthcare apps are definitively saving lives. Millions of Americans are at risk of heart disease, diabetes, and countless other health problems that could ultimately be prevented by a healthier lifestyle and other health factors.

With our smartphones, we have an opportunity to help people get healthy. Healthcare apps are the future, and here’s why…

1. They Keep Healthcare Costs Down

The cost of seeing a specialist or getting a procedure done is prohibitively expensive for many Americans.

Whether you’re talking about an exercise app that can help prevent chronic illness or an app that tracks specific medical needs, the goal is to help avoid costly visits to the hospital.

Not only is this a real lifesaver for individual patients because they don’t have to visit the doctor as much, but it’s also helpful for the healthcare industry. Keeping beds open and equipment usage down could potentially save billions of dollars.

2. More Accessibility to Health Information

Having an app that keeps track of your health information is invaluable. It makes it so much easier for you to stay on top of your dietary and exercise regimen while ensuring that you’re taking your medications on time.

Monitoring one’s health is something patients have never really had the luxury of doing outside of making appointments and seeing their physicians. Now, you can look at your phone and get virtually whatever information you need.

For healthcare professionals, some of these apps make it incredibly easy to access various patients’ health information. This is especially important in emergencies when patients aren’t seeing their regular doctors. The treating doctor can receive the necessary information and base their healthcare decisions on fact.

3. Keep Up With and Track Exercise

Outside of the most die-hard workout warriors, it’s challenging to stay on top of exercising. Between going to work, taking care of kids, and other obligations, staying fit often falls by the wayside.

A lack of exercise may not hurt you today or tomorrow, but eventually, it catches up with everyone.

However, when you’ve got a health condition, you might need regular exercise to keep your blood pressure down or lose weight. Now that we’ve got healthcare and lifestyle apps, you can set yourself reminders and keep track of how much you’ve exercised. Step counters, activity monitors, and instructional workout apps incentivize and inspire many people to be more active.

4. Take Your Mental Health Into Your Own Hands

In addition to physical healthcare apps, some apps help us look after our mental health as well.

Things like meditation and yoga have become incredibly popular, and their health benefits are hard to ignore.

We live in such a fast-paced world these days that it’s becoming harder and harder to take time for yourself. It’s resulted in widespread anxiety and depression for many people .

Meditation apps help people to slow down and turn off all of the noise that society has created.

Mental health issues are much less stigmatized than they used to be, so there’s no better time to find healthcare apps to address those needs.

5. Panic Reduction

As healthcare apps improve, they’ll be able to more accurately deduce what’s going on in an individual’s body. We’ve all had moments of concern with a mysterious pain in the stomach, tightness of the chest, or a bad headache. Under normal circumstances, you’d make an appointment, or if it’s bad enough, go to the emergency room.

The future of healthcare apps might see advancements that include features that tell patients when a symptom needs urgent care. For example, if you’re 55 with high blood pressure and experience chest pain for a few minutes, the app could tell you to call an ambulance. If you’re 30, it might ask you to drink some water.

Being able to keep all of your health information on an app will undoubtedly help solve problems and save lives.

6. Immediate Access to Care

Getting access to care isn’t always as easy as it sounds.

This causes a lot of people to self-diagnose or go without care for long periods. In many scenarios, this causes health issues to worsen, which is never good.

There are healthcare apps that aim to address this problem by offering convenient patient scheduling and giving patients immediate access to virtual healthcare.

Dealing with health issues remotely is something we should be considering.

7. Paying Bills Is Easier

Another thing that can be troublesome is paying your medical bills. Healthcare apps make this process a lot easier by offering various payment methods and notifying you when a payment is due or late.

It shouldn’t be complicated to pay for healthcare, but somehow it often is. Healthcare apps can improve our lives in a multitude of ways, and this is just another example.

Healthcare Apps In the Future

The future of healthcare apps is undoubtedly bright, and along with innovation, more and more lives will, directly and indirectly, be saved by them. 

You’re going to have to make your app operational and market it. At Solid Digital, we specialize in app design and development. Whether you’re a healthcare professional  or an app developer that needs the final push, we can help make your healthcare app the next big thing.

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