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Give Your Most Important Content an SEO Boost with Internal Linking Best Practices

Using the right internal linking strategy can give your page the SEO boost it needs to stay competitive.

What is an internal link for SEO?

Internal links are hyperlinks that point from one page of your website to another page on the same domain. Most sites have them, but most people don’t realize that when used strategically, internal links can help you get an SEO boost.

Why is internal linking important?

Internal links help Google find, index, and understand the pages on your site. Internal links can help increase the page authority of important pages, along with making other content discoverable by Google. In other words, internal linking is essential for any website that wants to increase their rankings on Google.

Site structure plays an essential role in how search crawlers navigate and understand your website. Internal links are used to measure which pages are the most valuable pages that are also closely tied to your brand. Search engine crawlers consider a page more critical when it has more links pointing towards it.

What are some internal linking best practices?

Do an Audit of Your Content

Start with doing an audit of your content to see what relevant content you can link to your high authority pages. This review will help you identify any pages that may need more internal links pointing to them, as well as identify content that you could help you create more internal links for SEO.

Create Content

For internal linking to work, you need to have pages that you can link together. The more pages and blog posts that you create, the more opportunities you will have to create internal links.

When creating content, you want to make sure it is relevant to your brand, highlighting your company’s strengths. Content should be engaging and informative to the reader.

Use Anchor Text for Internal Linking for SEO

Anchor text refers to the clickable words or phrases used to link one web page to another. Using anchor text to link to content has an advantage not only allowing to give your content more visibility to a reader, but it also helps your page ranking. Google uses external anchor text to help understand what your page is about and also, for which keywords it should rank.

Use Alt Attributes for Image Links

The alt attribute of an image acts like a acts like an anchor text for text links. Making sure your images have alt attributes will give your page another opportunity to rank in search engines and develop authority. 

Let us Help

Our team uses internal linking best practices along with modern SEO services, backed by the best digital practices, to increase your traffic & rankings for vetted keywords and long-tail phrases that drive business to your site. Contact us today.

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