Cooper calls himself a problem solver, not a programmer. His background in building electric cars, guitar pedals, and programming and installing automatic car washes gives him a unique perspective on programming, and drawing from this background gives him a broad skill set within the team. He is passionate about working with the client to bring their ideas into reality. When he is not programming, Cooper enjoys recording and producing music, playing disc golf, and spending time with his 3 children.

Q&A w/ Cooper Hilscher
Q: What is your favorite quote, and why?
“To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.”– Conan The Barbarian Because its hilarious.
Q: What inspired you to become a Software Developer?
I originally started in a tech support position – triaging issues and being an intermediary between the company, developers, and users. During that time I started teaching myself to code, and convinced my manager to let me develop during part of my normal hours. I quickly integrated into the team and was able to pair program with a senior developer which really accelerated my learning, within a few months we had scaled down to just that senior developer and myself running the department. This continued for a couple of years. After that company was sold I started an agency with some old coworkers and had a lot of success, but it was challenging and we decided to all relocate to larger tech-based cities. That’s when I found my home at Solid.Q: What do you enjoy the most about being a Software Developer at Solid Digital?
Every day brings new problems that need to be solved in different ways using different programming languages and devices, and that’s what I am really into – solving problems. The people I get to work with are also amazing and some of the best people I’ve ever had the privilege to know.Q: As a Software Developer, What expertise do you bring to your clients?
I am an unusual developer – I think my best quality is that I can think like a developer, the customer, the product team, and bring it all together to get real work done. I am not going to change anyone’s life with my programming skills, but by pulling from every area of experience I can usually make big contributions.Q: What is your approach to providing great customer service?
Understand what the customer needs before they know it.Q: What volunteering or passion projects do you do outside of work?
My kids get all my time!Q: What is your favorite museum?
The Museum of Jurassic Technology in Los Angeles.Q: Your top 3 favorite Podcasts/Books?
For books, The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss, and The Way of the Kinds by Brandon Sanderson. For Podcasts I like Useful Idiots.Q: What is your favorite Solid Tradition?
I love the foosball brackets we get into, happy hours are always great.
Q: What do you like on your pizza?
Pepperoni, olives, mushroom, cheese. Maybe some sausage up on there.
Q: What’s your most-used mobile application and why?
Reddit, because it is the front-page of the internet
Q: What are three things still left on your bucket list?
- Create bucket list
- Sky Dive
- Become independently wealthy
Q: What is the 1 piece of advice you would give to someone that wants to have a career in your field?
Learn to deal with the imposter syndrome, because you will have it. Failing is the best way to learn a lesson.
Q: What would you like to be known for?
I’d like to be known as a great friend, father, and coworker. That’s more than enough