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SaaS Pricing Page Best Practices (5 Tips + Examples)

Simplify your SaaS pricing page for success. Showcase clear plan options and straightforward pricing to build trust and boost conversions.

Your user has just made their way through your beautifully architected site, and your UX/UI has guided them all the way to your SaaS product pricing page. Don’t let your user bounce now that they’ve come this far!

For SaaS pricing strategy, the general concept is to keep it simple, straightforward, and clean. Consider your SaaS pricing page your perfect opportunity to truly and finally relieve the problem your user is facing (instead of identifying it in multiple ways as you’ve done up to now).

Let’s say, for example, that you wanted to position your applicant tracking tool for a better click-thru-rate on your pricing page. You will want to remind the user of how much time they’ve spent using alternative methods (for example, manually entering text into live docs online) and then show precisely how each of your plans solve the issue.

It’s easier to envision all this with SaaS pricing page examples, so we’ll give you our top 5 best practices for SaaS pricing page strategy, and pair it with some real-life examples to illustrate each.

#1: Clear Plan Options

Don’t hide the plan options. Put them out front and center so that the user can continue developing trust with you—and make the Pricing page easy to find (top nav, please)! If you hide things, the user may also ask, “What else are they hiding?” 

Don’t put up additional barriers, and keep the story going—the story that tells how each of your plans’ features align with the users’ needs. Validate the options you offer, and then give the pricing. (More on that next.)

Example: Attio

Most SaaS pricing pages are clear with their plan options. One of our favorites is from Attio. Great heading, clear plan options, and enough micro animations to keep the user engaged.

#2: Straightforward Pricing

After your user has seen the plan options, they’ll want to see how much each plan will cost. Do not—we repeat—do not make them request a demo to learn how much your software costs. Also, be clear whether it’s per user or per month or both, and how often it’s billed (one-time, monthly, yearly). Stakeholders at your company may be well versed in UX—but this is not the time to extend the journey, it’s the time to give them the info and let the conversions roll in. 

Example: Slack

We’re huge Slack fans over here. And it’s no surprise that their pricing tiers are clear and obvious from the get-go. Additional pricing details pop up when you hover over the total, as well, giving you a touch more insight, should you need it.


#3: Highlight Key Features

The third part of the SaaS pricing page strategy: Continue telling the story, but don’t overwhelm the user. Keep it simple and show what matters most when you’re highlighting the key features of each plan option. You can certainly have everything listed out somewhere else, but this is the space for the best and the brightest features to shine. You should have a handful of features (at most) listed in the first mention of your plan options. 

Why not more? Because the user is already here, on the pricing page, relatively convinced that this solution is the solution. When you really want to get into the weeds of comparing each side-by-side, that’s a job for the plan/feature matrix with long lists of checkboxes in a grid. This should be farther down the page, completely separate from your nice, tailored, clear-cut key features listed out near the top.

Example: Linear

Software development company Linear has a beautifully modern site, with soft edges and frosted glass-like layers. Their pricing page, however, is toned down just a bit, giving very basics of their features for each plan. They keep it simple with an easy workaround for their upper tier plans, saying “All the features of [PLAN NAME] plus…” This helps manage the amount of text, keeping the page scannable and digestible for users.

#4: Share Social Proof

Smooth over any concerns, and use social proof to drive the conversion rate. You can go classic with reviews, or you can add in “X number of companies trust our brand to get the job done” and share the logos on your SaaS pricing page.

Additionally, showing a percentage of businesses that have chosen a specific option and calling it out with a little colored tag on top can be helpful as an alternative to the ubiquitous “MOST POPULAR” tag on top of your best choice. This can provide social proof and helpful direction (again, guiding the journey) for any user facing a difficult decision. 

Example: Intercom

AI company Intercom works with enterprise companies (amazon, Meta, Microsoft) and says as much mid-way down their pricing page. They also have a nice little “Recommended” banner atop their middle plan option to help direct the user to a choice that works well for many.

#5: Don’t Forget FAQs

Use open questions and answers as an opportunity to quiet objections. In terms of a classic user experience, the pricing page is a very clear “pain” point already, so get ready to validate the user’s concerns, and then answer any questions (read: quiet objections) they may have. Bonus: FAQs are great for SEO, which isn’t vital for pricing pages, but can add up to a better SERP rankings in general. Plus, people will want to know what your refund policy is, and whether you can cancel the plan at any time—be sure to add those FAQs in.

Example: SEMRush

SEMRush knows how to do it. They’ve got all of our recommended SaaS pricing page strategies down, plus their FAQs are helpful. Sometimes your users will need one more reason to say “yes” (or to convince their team or management to invest in new software)—and the FAQ may be the lynchpin. Don’t skimp on it.

For SaaS pricing webpages, keep it simple. Offer clarity, and avoid any friction by keeping barriers low. You may find your conversions go up after you make your SaaS pricing page a little more transparent.


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