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Scalable Web Design Project Management Without Sacrifice

Sometimes a growing brand will reach out to us with a more modest budget, so we’ve developed a tightened, repeatable process for smaller websites to help these clients take advantage of our high value design and development, without sacrificing our excellent service.
Web Design Agency

Hi-Touch on a Limited Budget

In addition to TV and streaming applications, complex web applications, and mobile apps, we do plenty of web design and digital marketing work. In most cases, we’re working with mid-market businesses with big ideas and budgets to match. However, sometimes a growing brand will reach out to us with a much more modest budget.

In an effort to provide thoughtful service while acknowledging a need to minimize the burden on internal resources, we’ve developed what we’ve dubbed Template Web Project (TWP)—a tightened, repeatable process for smaller websites to help these clients take advantage of our high value design and development without sacrificing our excellent service.

What We’ve Done

Needless to say, we’ve launched our fair share of WordPress websites; and over the years, we’ve learned a thing or two. What we’ve done with TWP—based on our years of experience (read: trial & error) in managing web design projects—is create a reliable, repeatable WordPress website design & development process that standardizes as much as 80% of a web project while still allowing room for extensive (and important) customization.

By forecasting important milestones, potential headaches (and opportunities to save time), we’ve done just that.

Template Web Project (TWP)—a tightened, repeatable process for smaller web sites to help these clients take advantage of our high value design and development, without sacrificing our excellent service.

TWP is a Jira Project template that consists of over 90 tickets of tasks and stories, pre-estimated and assigned to the appropriate sprints. This allows a Project Manager to easily and quickly roll out a project plan without having to distract team members with long, repetitious project planning meetings.

We know that some tickets won’t be needed, and that others will be, and that’s ok, because we’re still saving time on 80% of the project planning process. It also ensures that no important steps are not forgotten.


Since adopting TWP we’ve enjoyed smoother launches and tangible time-savings, which means we can spend more time concentrating on the great work we do and making our clients glad they chose Solid Digital as a web design partner.

Effective website experiences & digital marketing strategies.