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Top 5 Elementor Tips for Content Writers

Content writers are the last stop on the way to publishing a page or a post. With Elementor becoming widely used in website design, it's vital to have content writers get more comfortable with the streamlined and popular WordPress website builder.

Content writers can easily get into the weeds when adding or updating copy, when all they need are a few tips and tricks so they can focus on the what (content) rather than the how (site build). As you may already know, we’re huge fans of Elementor. Yet, sometimes the idea of working in the backend can be daunting for content writers or anyone who isn’t a designer—even if they never see a single line of code. As Solid Digital’s Creative Director, I’m involved in training our clients – including content writers – on using their WordPress Elementor site. Follow along and figure out how to achieve the next level in this drag-and-drop Wordpress plugin as you create content that converts on your company’s marketing website.

Elementor Terminology

Before we dive in, let’s review some terms that we’ll be using.

  • Container: This is the foundation for building a page, it holds, or “contains” the other elements of your page including Elementor widgets and other containers
  • Widget: Custom components for design, layout, marketing and eCommerce (e.g. an icon)
  • Layout: Positioning, design, and elements, viewable in the Elementor editor
  • Template: Pre-built page layouts and blocks
  • Navigator: Quick access to every Elementor editor option
  • Global Styles: Allows for consistent application of typography styles and color schemes throughout a website.

Elementor Tips

#1 What You See is What You Get

In Elementor, you can see the design as you’re building (or editing) the page. You can visualize exactly what the output will be, because you’re writing and editing in real time. The pre-styled widgets and layouts are part of a design system that can allow content writers to identify which one they’ll need to work on: a blog post, a product page, or a new landing page, for example. Having your design team create these templates with styled sections (like a quote section or a large image box) will help keep everything in alignment while you work your word wizardry. These constraints give structure, even while you’re able to drag and drop sections with the Elementor Navigator. At Solid Digital, we use templates to train our own team, so that they can see how the page is supposed to look and then create from there.

#2 Use Your Keyboard Shortcuts

Ctrl + C? Ctrl + V? Yep! Copy and paste your heart out. You can also click “Copy All Page Content” at the bottom of a page to grab everything and drop it on a new page so you have a good starting point. A specific container block or widget can also be copied and pasted. Even Ctrl + Z works here. (Replace “Ctrl” with “Command” for all our Apple users.) Made a mistake? Undo it with this shortcut. Many edits and updates can be seen in the Revisions tab on the left-hand side. You can also select specific actions to reverse, straight from the list. The history of all actions is listed (similar to Photoshop or typical word processors) so if you make edits on an element or page and you want to go back five steps, you can do that. Every action is recorded.

#3 H2s Can Stay H2s, No Matter the Style

The tags applied to H2s were tagged for a reason by your SEO experts: rankings! However, maybe you’re not a fan of the H2 appearance, too big, too small, too bold, or too busy—you can change how the headings look without changing the markup. The pre-styled global font styles are not beholden to heading styles. If you want the H4 to look the same as an H2, go for it (as long as your design team agrees – haha). Search engine crawlers will still be able to see the markup as intended, and you don’t have to (and shouldn’t) adjust anything on the markup.

#4 Elementor is Flexible

Global templates can all be edited from one place. That means if you have a CTA to book a demo, but you want to change the verbiage in that section, you can edit it one time and see the change reflected throughout the site. Content writers can include sections on multiple pages or posts, like promotions for a new webinar series—which can also be managed from one location. Footer edits are almost as easy. If you need to add a new service, for example, you can copy a page, update the content, copy and change a word in the footer and change out the link.  Flexibility also means the drag-and-drop function won’t bump things around to places they don’t belong. You can easily add or subtract a column in a section as needed. You could go wild on widgets (see the left-hand column options) and add a progress bar to your blog post, or select the right widget to help tell the full story or stylize the content. I would, however, warn against using widgets wherever you want. To that end, our final Elementor tip for content writers…

#5 Know Your Limits

You’re here because you’re not a designer. The pre-built styles are a tool for you. But don’t mistake “white flag” for carte blanche. Know when to ask for help. With a typical site built in Elementor, there will be both dynamic and static content. Blog posts, for example, have a themed template. Great for when you need to write the next post. But we’re going to stop you right there—some portion of the page is controlled by the theme template. If you don’t have the training, don’t mess with the theme template. That dynamic content is the place where writers should fear to tread. (Think Simba and the shadowy areas beyond the Prideland.) In fact, some bits aren’t even editable through Elementor.  In short, if you need a new building block created or want to add an image slider, go ask your design team or agency. They’ll get it right the first time, and probably save you some time and headache. Each of these tips should get you closer to streamlining your content creation within Elementor. We’re always happy to help improve your marketing website so that what once looked good, can keep looking good without sacrificing quality content needed to drive leads and conversions.

Effective website experiences & digital marketing strategies.